Integrated Landscaping & Environmental Management was established over 16 years ago and is owned and operated by Catherine Carbajal who has lived on Waiheke for more than 20 years. Cath enjoys all aspects of landscaping and finds the results rewarding – some are more obvious than others but not necessarily more significant. The unseen component of landscaping is often the strength of any design or function and attention to detail is essential.
The company’s focus is on environmental anthropology, where harmony between clients and the biophysical environment is found. This has proven the most effective approach to finding sustainable solutions for environmental design and management.
Cath Carbajal is a certified arborist (ISA Certified Arborist NZ-0212A), and a member of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and the New Zealand Arboricultural Association (NZ Arb). She has a Bachelor of Applied Science majoring in Landscape Management from Massey University. (She received an award for excellence from Massey for her final practicum report about a site where she employed bioengineering techniques to address a major landslide.) Cath also has a Master of Environmental Management from Massey University. She specialises in balancing design with the client’s needs and environmental factors such as creating and protecting habitats for our native and beneficial flora and fauna.
The potential of design is limitless and the achievement of the vision are objectives the company strives to achieve. Cath works onsite and is physically involved from section clearing, planting and maintenance, to donning harnesses and climbing ropes to access trees or more difficult terrain. Part of the Integrated Landscaping philosophy is that by getting our hands dirty there is a deeper connection to the site and a deeper appreciation for the vision.
Not one to shy away from a challenge, Cath has embarked on further study and research in the form of a Bachelor of Engineering Technology. This will be beneficial in all aspects of work particularly environmental management.
The staff are enthusiastic and share the company’s mission and vision. Enjoyment and fulfilment are a priority for staff and although risk can be exciting; safety takes precedence. Staff are trained to work to high standards and to understand the value of integrity in everything the company does.